Camp NanoWriMo - Like Camp but with Words and Deadlines - Ava Love Hanna

Camp NaNoWriMo: Like Camp But With Words and Deadlines

I'm super excited to be participating in Camp NaNoWriMo this April. I'm primarily an essayist and poet, so I've never participated in NaNoWriMo (the attempt to write a 50,000 word novel in November). But, I stumbled across the Camp NaNoWriMo website and saw that it offered the flexibility to work on a variety of writing projects including poetry, and I was intrigued. It's free, fun, summer camp-themed, the t-shirts feature a Storysquatch, I'll have an excuse to eat "working" s'mores -- there's nothing that could make me love this more.

Modern Hestia - Feminist in the Kitchen - Ava Love Hanna

A Feminist in the Kitchen: Modern Hestia

I’ve been thinking about Hestia lately, the virgin goddess of home and hearth. Basically, her story goes like this: she was pursued by both Apollo (the god of the sun) and Poseidon (the god of the sea), but rejected both of them and chose to remain a perpetual virgin in order to keep the peace. As a reward, Zeus gives her the duty of maintaining the fires of the Olympian hearth. Oh, and the hearth isn't portable, so she was rewarded with a life in the kitchen... forever.

10 fun ways to celebrate poetry month

It’s Poetry Month!

I'm a poet. I always have been. And even though my writing of late has moved towards essays and magazine articles (money), I will always be a poet. I love to talk and will spend hours chatting away in person, but when I write I am minimalist, I want to conserve words, I want crystallized moments to explode off the page in just a few sentences. I love the power of poetry. I love its beauty and its truth. And on days when the world seems ugly and gray, I remember that human beings can write poetry and how amazing that it is, and I am filled with hope again.

Poem: Parents

Share This:** Update: The audio track for this poem can be heard here: I’m a poet. Well, I used to be…Well, I still am… I’m just writing more essays and less poetry lately. But, I paid a lot of money to study poetry at a private university, completed a 90 page Master’s thesis chock full of...

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